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During times of economic insecurity, normally honest employees may resort to theft due to the increasing financial pressure they are feeling at home. Employees may also be motivated to steal if they were given extra responsibilities after others were terminated without an increase in compensation. While they may not normally be inclined to take advantage of their employer, thieving employees may rationalize their behaviour because they are panicked about their current financial woes. As a result, companies are wise to look out for increased criminal acts by their employees, especially if layoffs have been commonplace recently within the organization.
During times of economic insecurity, normally honest employees may resort to theft due to the increasing financial pressure they are feeling at home. Employees may also be motivated to steal if they were given extra responsibilities after others were terminated without an increase in compensation. While they may not normally be inclined to take advantage of their employer, thieving employees may rationalize their behaviour because they are panicked about their current financial woes. As a result, companies are wise to look out for increased criminal acts by their employees, especially if layoffs have been commonplace recently within the organization.
Theft comes in many shapes and sizes, depending on your business and employees. Typically, employees may embezzle money or steal products, such as food or electronics. In addition, employees may use company time to take care of personal obligations (known as time theft). They may use company time to look for a new job, if they are in fear of losing their current one, or may use work time to take care of personal business. Furthermore, if employees are under large amounts of pressure due to uncertain job security, they may be more inclined to take breaks as a way to reduce some of their stress.
Prevention Techniques
To curb theft at your organization, consider the following safeguards:
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